Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Preparing for the Journey

Hello Everybody! Since I haven't used this blog since the last time I was in Uganda. In fact, I don't think I even finished writing while I was there. For the 5 people that read it, I'm sorry. For the future, I'm going to try to write something at least every two days, depending on our access to the internet (which is usually spotty)

I have copied the old posts from my last trip to Uganda just about a year and a half ago. This trip will be one week longer with one more person going! Medicine for Sick Children is growing! Our friend and mentor Troy Lund created a foundation to bring medicine to the children who need it most in Uganda. We have teamed up with him to "carry out the mission"

As we met last Sunday to talk about our plans for the next two weeks, Ross (my brother) brought up the fact that while were were eating dinner at a Chinese restaurant about halfway through our trip, we had come up with two ideas; fix the steps at the hospital and host a 5K to raise awareness and some money for the cause. At the time, our ideas were given a 50/50 chance of succeeding. I guess we're good at beating the odds because both became a reality. To be perfectly honest, I think deep down I often doubted them happening, too. I know neither would have happened if God wasn't in it. I want to dream big and reach for the stars (two big cliches - SO SORRY). But seriously, I know that God can move mountains, heal sick people, build steps, and run races. I can't wait to see what we have in store. Please be praying that we will see what God sees for the people of Uganda, that our travels will be safe, and that we can find the resources to get things done! Thank you to everybody who has supported us, financially, prayerfully, and by giving their time for the Wooly Run!

I will try to post the highlights of the days as they pass. I don't know what to expect for this trip because, well, this is Africa (TIA). Although we share a lot in common with the people, we are entering a whole new world with a different set of rules and surroundings that will always be foreign. I have thought about the children at the Need for All Orphanage every day since I've been back, whether it's because I ate a donut or heard a little kid cry for their mom. I hope that all of them will continue to grow healthy and find ways to survive in their country.

For now, we are finishing packing, doing some last minute stops, and then heading to the airport. I will update when I have access again....which probably won't be for at least a couple of days! If you want to know anything, please, feel free to ask!


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