Thursday, August 9, 2012

Getting to Know JaJa

Today was a lot of fun! We decided to go and visit JaJa's new home and see how things were going. The new name for the orphanage is "Live it Up Africa". I think it's a good name that shows a desire to give these kids a good life. I was a little worried because when we checked in a few days after the woman from Dubai left, the house seemed to be quite a mess and there was disorder everywhere. When we arrived today, things seemed a little better. We met the woman who is now the warden for the orphanage. It sounds like she is guarding a prison, but I guess it isa fitting title. She is in charge of making sure everybody is doing their job and improvements are made for the children. She really is working hard to get everything in order. As we were going on a tour of the orphanage, I stopped in a room where I found about a half dozen kids playing with a train set on the floor. I decided to see if I could play along. I sat down on the floor and started picking up toys. Slowly, the kids got more interested in teaching me things. I started asking for them to give me a toy, saying "mpa" and putting out my hand. When they would give me a toy, I said "webale nyo", which isthank you. The kids would laugh hysterically at my pronunciations. Then they started telling me what all sorts of words were in Lugana. Kids started coming from outside to see what kind of fun we were having. I'm pretty sure that there were at least three kids with really wet pants who kept sitting on my lap. I think my dress smelled pretty nasty by the end, but it was totally worth it! I enjoyed getting to know these kids. They really are sweet. In the past we were so overwhelmed by the smell and the dirt of the old house that we never stayed to get to know the children. I'm so thankful that we got to spend time with them!

Afterwards, we stopped by Nantale's orphanage ust to check in and decide when we should come back with food and things. I was so exhausted that it was hard to be energetic. We ended up just talking with the mother, Ana, and then deciding to come back early next week with some Mtoke and random things. We will have to figure it out before we go back on Monday.

Earlier in the day, I went with Angella to the clinic to get different medicine. She hasn't been feeling well. I think maybe I make her sick! In reality, she just needed a different antibiotic for a bacterial infection or possibly malaria. Yes, malaria is that common that she just gets it and then has to take medicine and keep working! She's a tough girl! On the way, we realized Pretty had gotten out, so we picked her up in the car and she came along. Apparently dogs everywhere love to ride in cars because Pretty was so excited to be riding in the back seat. Unfortunately, when we got back home, JB was not happy because he had been looking all over for her. He came and grabbed her out of the car and carried her home. Poor girl didn't realize what she had done wrong, but she ended up being locked in her house all day. I just appreciate that dogs are mischeivious no matter where you are!

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